Act 520 (Amendment 2011) has authorised CIDB as an enforcement body to regulate the construction materials quality as per the following sections:
Quality Assurance
Certificate of Approval (COA)
The Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB) is the country’s construction industry regulatory body. Its role is defined in Act 520 (Amendment 2011) and extends CIDB’s function as an enforcement authority on construction product quality. Implementation of the Malaysia Standard compliance on imported products also refers to the Fourth Schedule, Customs (Prohibitions on Import) Order 1998 (Amendment 2012) through the issuance of a Certificate of Approval (COA) by CIDB.

Objectives Of Construction
Materials Quality Control
- Ensure all enforced construction products comply with the stipulated standards to achieve quality excellence before usage by the country’s construction industry
- Ensure materials of poor quality do not enter the local market and avoid the country from being the ‘dumping ground’
- Ensure the environment is protected
- Support the Green Construction initiatives
- Ensure marking uniformity on construction products for easy quality identification by end-users
Section 2 (1) | Defines certification as “A procedure by which the Lembaga or any person authorised by it gives written assurance that a process, practice or service conforms with specified requirements”. |
Section 33C (1) | The Lembaga shall, in the manner determined by the Lembaga, certify the construction materials used in the construction industry and specified in the Fourth Schedule under the standards specified in that Schedule. |
Section 33D (1) | A person shall not deal or undertake to deal, whether directly or indirectly, with the construction materials specified in the Fourth Schedule unless the construction materials have been certified by the Lembaga. |
Section 33D (2) | Any person who deals or undertakes to deal with the construction materials specified in the Fourth Schedule without the certification of the Lembagashall be guilty of an offence and shall, on conviction, be liable to a fine of not less than RM10,000 but not more than RM500,000. |
Section 33E (1) | Where any construction material which is not certified in
accordance with this Act is dealt with or is undertaken to be dealt with or will be dealt with by any person, the Lembaga may, by notice in the prescribed form, serve on such person requiring him to abstain from commencing or proceeding with, engaging in or being involved in or undertaking to be engaged or involved in, dealing with the noncertified construction material. |
Section 33E (2) | Any person who fails to comply with the requirements of the notice
under subsection (1) shall be guilty of an offence and shall, on conviction, be liable to a fine not exceeding fifty thousand ringgit and in the case of a continuing offence, a fine not exceeding five hundred ringgit for every day or part of a day during which the offence continues after conviction |
Product Listing
For each imported construction product or material that requires COA, the following Listed Tariff Codes can be referred to as:
Note: For full Product Information, please refer to JKDM HS Explorer
1 | Cement | 2525–2523 |
2 | Ceramic Products
(Sanitary Wares) & Unglazed and Glazed Ceramic Tiles Plastic Flushing |
3922.90 |
3 | Iron & Steel | 7207–7325 |
4 | Aluminium | 7606 & 7607 |
5 | Glass | 7005 |
6 | Radiant Barrier | 7607 |
7 | Cellulose, Synthetic/Fibre Cement
Flat Sheet |
6811 |
8 | Insulation Materials
Slag Wool, Rock Wools Glass Fibre |
7019 |
Procedures & Guidelines
Construction Industry Development Board Malaysia (CIDB)
Construction Materials & Standard Division