Quality Assurance
Jadual Keempat
Akta 520
SECTION 33D (2):
Any person who deal or undertake to deal with the construction materials specified in the 4TH SCHEDULE without the certification of the Lembaga shall be guilty of an offence and shall, on conviction, be liable to a fine of not less than RM10,000 but not more than RM500,000.’

Construction Product/Materials Testing
CIDB Holdings Laboratory is fully equipped with latest technology of testing equipment, capable to perform product testing in compliance with the relevant Malaysian Standard and International Standards.

Construction Product/Materials Certification
It is stipulated in Lembaga Pembangunan Industri Pembinaan Malaysia Act 520 (Amendment 2011) only building materials which have received the Standard Compliance Declaration (Perakuan Pematuhan Standard or PPS) can be

Construction Product/Materials Inspection
CIDB Holdings is appointed by CIDB Malaysia to conduct inspection on imported building materials at points of entry and warehouses

Why Us
- Recognised and accredited laboratory ISO/IEC 17025 by Jabatan Standard Malaysia
- Recognised by regulatory bodies i.e. CIDB, SPAN
- Latest technology of testing equipment leading to fast and accurate result.
- Service offer to support national regulation which enforce by government regulatory bodies i.e. CIDB, SPAN.
- Competent personnel with over 15 years working experience in product testing laboratory.
- Service offers with comprehensive testing scopes and competitive prices.
- Strategic collaboration with other local and international partners/laboratories, thus expanding services to other constructions products
“A satisfied customer is the best business strategy of all’
– Michael Leboeuf
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